Saturday, July 27, 2024





A7R4. in APS-C mode
A1. 12 Jun 2022


FE 200-600/5.6-6.3 G
GM 600/4  10 Sept 2022


190XPROB/GHFG1.  Feb 2022
MT190CXPRO3/GHFG1. May 2022
Belerbach Report 8013/GHFG1. May 2022
MT190CXPRO3/WH-200II. 29 Jun 2024





White-shouldered Starling

A pale starling wiht diagnostic white shoudler patches. Male pale grey on head and upper breast with the rest of the upperparts white. Large white shoulder patch, contrasting sharply with black flight feathers. Female mostly grey with smaller white patch on wings. Yojng bird similar to female but lakes white wing patch.

f8 1/500. @600mm, ISO 1000, Rower's Bay Seletar Club Road, 15 Mar 2022






Daurian Starling

A pale starling wiht a dark back. Male grey on head, paler the rest of the underparts, contrasting with dark back, wings and tail. Back purple. Wings dark green, broken by white scapular patch and smaller pale patches on flight feathers. Female similar, but with brownish wash on upperparts. Some birds may have pale yellow-orange head as a result of probing into flowers.

Male, f5.6 1/1250. ISO 2500, GM600. TC1.4x, Woodlands Fu Shan Garden, 19 Nov 2022


Male, f5.6 1/1000. ISO 2500, GM600. TC1.4x, Woodlands Fu Shan Garden, 19 Nov 2022


Male, f5.6 1/1000. ISO 5000, GM600. TC1.4x, Woodlands Fu Shan Garden, 19 Nov 2022


Female, f5.6 1/1000. ISO 4000, GM600. TC1.4x, Woodlands Fu Shan Garden, 19 Nov 2022





f8 1/2500. @600mm, ISO 2000, Keppel Discovery Wetlands, MT190CXPRO3/BHQ2, 8 Sept 2021

Male grey-whitish, female brownish back





Orange-headed Thrush

Bright orange ground-thrush. Head and underparts to lower belly orange-rufous. Rest of the upperparts, including wings, bluish grey. 


f6.3 1/400. @600mm, ISO 6400, Learning Forest, 23 Feb 2022








Common Hill Myna

A large, dark forest starling which is not common. Plumage glossy black with fleshy orange-yellow wattles on nape and below eye, and white patch on wings. Bill distinctive bright orange with yellow tips. Flies with strong but shallow flapping, somewhat like a pigeon.

f5.6 1/2500. ISO 4000, GM600 TC1.4x, 27 May 2023

Woodlands Road, Opposite Woodlands Fire Station


A6400, f6.3 1/500. @600mm, ISO 2500, Hindhede Nature Park, 29 Dec 2019


f9 1/500  @600mm, TC 1.4x, ISO 8000, Woodlands Waterfront, 8 July 2022


f8 1/2500. ISO 2500, GM600 TC1.4x, 19 Apr 2023

Woodlands Road, Opposite Woodlands Fire Station









Asian Glossy Starling

One of the few red-eyed birds of Singapore. Juvenile start off with a reddish-brown iris that becomes bloody-red as they mature. Adults have an entirely glossy green plumage that can appear black in poor light. Juveniles have grey-brown upperparts with paler underparts streaked grey. 



f7.1 1/1000. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 7 Mar 2024 


A6400, f6.3 1/2000. @600mm, ISO 1600, Woodlands Town Centre, 12 Dec 2019


Adult and Juvenile, A6400, f7.1 1/1250. @600mm, ISO 1250, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 17 Nov 2019


f5.6 1/1000. ISO 5000, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Fu Shan Garden, 19 Nov 2022


f5.6 1/1000. ISO 8000, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Fu Shan Garden, 19 Nov 2022


f5.6 1/1000. ISO 3200, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Fu Shan Garden, 19 Nov 2022


f5.6 1/500. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x, Admiralty Park, 2 Jul 2024


Venus Link, Windsor Nature Park, 30 Apr 2024

f5.6 1/640. ISO 4000, GM600 TC1.4x


Venus Link, Windsor Nature Park, 30 Apr 2024

f5.6 1/500. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x


f8 1/500. ISO 1250, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Road, 7 Apr 2023


f5.6 1/3200. ISO 3200, GM600 TC1.4x, Jurong Lake Gardens, 10 Nov 2023


f5.6 1/1250. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x, Admiralty Park, 9 Jun 2024


Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, 9 May 2024

f5.6 1/1250. ISO 6400, GM600 TC1.4x


f8 1/1000. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Road, 9 Dec 2023


f8 1/3200. ISO 800, GM600 TC1.4x, Woodlands Waterfront, 3 Apr 2024

















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